I'm horribly inconsistent with blogging. And not that anyone follows me, or really keeps up with my blog, I should keep up with it myself, as a way of record keeping. I've finished my American flag throw since February and started on a table runner for fall. Here is the throw, I was amazingly happy with how it turned out.
My boyfriend was really happy too, seeing as how I made it for him at his request. He is very patriotic, and loves decorating for Independence day, and he told me after I finished my first quilt that he wanted one that looked like the American flag, so I drew a few things up, and he suggested the colors, and helped me pick out the fabrics and this is what I ended up with. I finished a lot of it while he was in the hospital after an ATV accident on St Patricks day, thankfully he is ok now, the sewing kept me occupied during all the waiting, and waiting and watching him sleep time.

And its completely hand pieced and hand quilted. I wish I had a quilting machine to work with, it would mean I could do a lot more projects! I'm hoping to buy one soon, not a long arm since I don't have the money or room for it, but I've been eyeing a Brother machine for a few weeks now, and after doing some research and reading some reviews I'm pretty sure its the best bang for my buck. Seeing as how I like doing it by hand I'm not even sure how much use it will get, so I'm not ready to spend a big chunk of money on one yet. I want a good machine that will last me several years, and one that I can piece, sew and quilt on.
Anyway, I've started a new project now too. A fall themed table runner (although which table its going on I dont know, seeing as how we live in a 1 bedroom apartment that still looks like a bachelor pad) And my "new" project is almost finished as well! Here are some pictures of its progress. I call it Tumbling Leaves Table Runner (also note in the pictures the bachelor pad couch and bed in the throw pictures, I hate this couch!)
This is the block I was inspired by. I knew I wanted to do a leaf block, and there were several different options but this one was my favorite.
Out of it all though, the middle block turned out to be my favorite!
I changed the ends several times, I liked the idea of having the ends finished up by something other than one more same sized block, so I first designed some squares set on point, then thought about flying geese, then I decided to combine the two! I haven't finished stitching the pieces together, but I laid them out and this is what I came up with.
I can't wait to put the border on, the fabric print is my favorite! And even the binding is getting me excited because I think they will just set everything off!