In an attempt to hold myself accountable for my ever growing list of Works In Progress, I'm going to try and keep a on going list of my current projects, where I am with the, what I have left to do and what I WANT to do.

Works In Progress
1) Flower Girl quilt- the top is finally finished, I need to order some backing and binding and get this baby finished!
2) Several quilted bags- I have some bags I've been commissioned to make and haven't had a chance to start on yet. Hopefully I will get to these this weekend.
3) Sidebraid quilt- this has been sitting on the shelf patiently waiting for a few months now. I have everything I need, backing, binding, batting, I just haven't had a change to actually quilt it. Not to mention I am not sure HOW I want to quilt it.
4) Log Cabin quilt- I worked on this one quite a bit last night. I have the sashing and blocks put together. I still need to do the inner border and order fabric for the outer border, and then the top will be finished.
5) Dream On quilt- this is a project that I should have put on hold until a few other things were finished, but now it too is in the WIP pile. I managed to finish these blocks last night too. I really want to lay these out and get the top together but I have so many other things I need to do they will have to wait a while longer.
6) Farmer's Wife quilt- I have 7 more blocks I need for this and then I will have to square up the blocks and get them ready for the setting I am going to use. This is another top getting closer and closer to being finished.
7) Grandmother's Flower Garden- This is the one project that I work on consistently. I work on this about every day while sitting on the couch, its the one good thing about hand work. I love being able to curl up on the couch under one of my quilts and watch TV with my boyfriend and sew. Its relaxing, and my favorite part of every evening. I am hoping to have this quilt top done by June sometime so I can start the hand quilting.
8) Scrappy Trip Along quilt- this is an "in between" project. I plan to work on this between other projects, if I ever get between other projects!
9) Berry Shortcake table topper- against my better judgement I started a new project over the weekend (I know I have a serious problem!) But this was so quick and easy, I finished the top in less than 2 hours, cutting and piecing and everything. It screams spring/summer to me, I am in love with the colors! I used Cluck Cluck Sew's Shortcake pattern and only did 9 blocks total to make a nice size little table topper for my kitchen table. All it needs now is quilting, which will take no time at all. (I just have to find the time to do it between everything else!)
Eventual Projects
1) Cherry Christmas jelly roll- This is an eventual goal for the year. I am hoping I am able to get to this over the Summer or fall, well before Christmas is here. We will have to see if I make it or not
2) Salt Water quilt- I still have my stack of Tula Pink's Salt Water sitting around waiting to be turned into a quilt. I drew up a pattern I want to use for it, but once again it is a time thing. I am hoping I will be able to get to this very soon though, I had hoped to have it done by summer.
3) Swoon quilt- I have no idea when I will actually get to this but I know what fabric I want to get for this project. I have wanted to tackle this quilt for a long time but was unsure about what fabrics would be just perfect. I think I have decided, and have a good picture in my head of how I want it to turn out.
Not to mention the new fabric I've been getting lately. I ordered some various scraps from
Elizabeth and they came in the mail this week (you can see those below, and yes that is some coveted Melody Miller!), and I won some fabric from
Jolene and a copy of Modern Quilts From The Blogging Universe (as if I needed more ideas for new quilts!) I also have a bundle of Farmington Feathers on its way along with a bundle of Stile by Liberty London. My first Liberty London fabric and I am beside myself excited for it to get here. I am fairly certain I want to make some pillow covers with it, but I am not sure yet. Maybe that and a wall hanging? We will see. I am sure I will be afraid to cut it for a while.