A few posts ago I showed you some vintage quilts I found at some antique shops, but I thought I would take a moment and go in a non-quilty route and show you some of the other pictures.
If you aren't familiar with WV (which is more likely than the alternative) then you don't know that Route 60 from Charleston heading east toward Virginia is beautiful. Its one of my favorite drives. It goes from windy mountain roads with waterfalls to rolling hills and covered bridges. A few weeks ago I showed you some pictures from Hawks Nest, the New River Gorge and Babcock State Park, which are along Route 60. Babcock and the New River are a slight detour off Route 60, but only a few minutes, and well worth it.
If you keep going along Route 60 you pass through some beautiful small towns with tons of history, and will eventually reach Lewisburg, WV and the Virginia-West Virginia border. Once we hit White Sulphur Springs we left Route 60 and took 92 to Neola (I'm sure no one reading this knows where that is, but its ok) and headed to Lake Sherwood where my family was camping for a few days.
We've had a lot of rain lately, and I mean A LOT. Last year we also drove to Hawks Nest for a picnic and a hike and stopped along the road at a waterfall for a few pictures. That picture is below on the right, this year when we stopped is on the left. Same waterfall, HUGE difference.
Just outside Lewisburg, past a beautiful big farmhouse, down a little tiny one lane road is this beautiful covered bridge. If you aren't paying attention, you'd easily miss the turn to reach this hidden gem.
Once you get into Lewisburg, there are tons of old buildings to see, I just didn't take pictures of all of them, we'd have been there all day. This is probably the most famous of the buildings in Lewisburg. Funded by the same Andrew Carnegie who built the Carnegie Hall in New York, WV has our own Carnegie Hall. Carnegie, who was from Ireland, had a friend who live in Lewisburg and who wrote to him asking for funds in building it.
WV has a deep Civil War History, we are the only state born from the Civil War, and there are tons of Civil War museums, monuments, trails, tours, etc. Lewisburg certainly has its fair share. During the Battle of Lewisburg around 95 Confederate soldiers were killed and buried here in the cemetery and they were later transported to their own cemetery. They are buried in a mass grave in the shape of a cross 40 feet wide by 80 feet long.
This is the cross. There is no way I can get the entire cross in the picture. It is huge. My boyfriend and I discussed how sad it was that all these men died, and no one knew who they were, or cared to find out, and their families never knew where they were.
And our final destination for the day was Sherwood lake. My family has been camping here almost every year since I was a little girl. My boyfriend and I didn't stay the night as it was threatening rain that day, and we never know exactly how he is going to feel, especially in the mornings. But it was nice and so much cooler than home! We were in the middle of a heat wave and it was at least 10 degrees cooler here. I took a couple pictures of the lake. The hiking trail goes all the way around and they have a beach area for swimming. We had actually hoped it was going to be a little warmer and sunnier do we could go swimming, but we had a nice trip nonetheless.

We are hoping to be able to take a few more weekend trips this summer as time allows. I'm on call this coming weekend, so nothing exciting except maybe some sewing and working on my Farmer's Wife quilt. I haven't posted about it in a while, but I have been steadily chugging along, a few blocks here, a few blocks there. And then Sunday I realized my blocks were done! I'm now working on the setting and getting the background on my blocks. I am using a setting method I saw on another blog of setting half the blocks on point and half square.
I have a few more posts planned this week on the other quilts I photographed this past weekend, and hopefully I will have some pictures of my Farmer's Wife blocks. I forgot how much I love anything Fig Tree Quilts.
Oh, and I ordered some new fabric this past week too :)