I've been MIA again. Unfortunately, a lot of my time has been spent in the hospital again. It's almost like we live there lately. My boyfriend is feeling better for the moment and we are hoping that it will last this time. Anyway, 2 weeks ago, before the last hospital stint, my wonderful boyfriend took me to a nearby quilt shop and waited patiently while I browsed. He even helped me pick out a beautiful snowman panel. The shop had several samples using the panel and my boyfriend really liked one particular quilt that used some pretty shades of blue. So I have been working on hand embroidering the panels in different shades of blue. Here are a few pictures of the progress so far. I know I won't get this finished in time this year, but I think that this will make a great wintry quilt that can stay on the couch past Christmas. Plus it gives me something to sit on the couch and sew by hand since I've decided to do my Farmer's Wife by machine. (I am still working on my Farmer's Wife blocks by the way, just not nearly as much as I should be.)

I also managed to finish my dad's Gone Fishing quilt. I don't have any good pictures of it yet. I will post them soon. Hopefully we will be staying out of the hospital long enough for me to start some more sewing projects, because these came in the mail this week!
Some Cinnamon Spice by Blackbird Designs, Chateau Rogue by French General, Farmer's Market and Fellowship by Brannock and Patek, and Double Chocolat by 3 Sisters. They will be made into some nice Christmas presents so I need to get cracking. Also some fabric for a baby quilt I am making for a friend from work who is having a baby girl in the next few months. There are lots of things to do in the next 2 months and I don't have nearly enough time but I am going to try.
I'm also starting a diet on Monday. Talk about stress!
Christmas presents, eh? Let me know when you need my address! Whatever comes of these, for sure they will be beautiful.